Monday, March 18, 2013

Product Soon to Follow! (Fourth Post)

Hey guys I'm here with another Genius Project update. This past week I have been studying, as you have probably guessed, shot composition and editing effects. What I worked on improving this week was my shot composition. These are a few basic rules that can make your shots seem "more professional", as well as make them look like I spent much more time recording them. Once again, came to the rescue with providing me with substantial information on cinematography. Some basic rules of composition are: simplicity, rule of thirds, and natural framing. All of these rules can help to make you shot look nicer, and easier to edit afterwards. Simplicity means what you think it does, choose a simple setting to record. Rule of thirds basically divides the camera screen into nine equal squares (divided by two horizontal and two vertical lines), and aligns the subject along one of them. Finally, natural framing sets natural "frames" within your shot. also provided other composition rules more about the subject than the scene. When recording a subject you should never end at a set part of their body (i.e. chin), and also you must give them head room and room to "walk". You will see examples below.

The second phase I completed was video editing. I actually lucked out this week because I got assigned a project in social studies, in which I also have to edit clips. I basically have to make  a commercial for a game that the class designed. So, in essence, I get to kill two birds with one stone. As you also know,  used Adobe After Effects to edit the shots I took for the commercial, and I also used my green screen in a majority of the shots I took thus far. was an AMAZING website I used as a hub to many different tutorials for After Effects. Due to After Effects steep learning curve for its users, it provides a huge array of anything from basic and broad tutorials to advanced and focused tutorials. It was multiple sources in one. Anyway, after learning how to bring clips into the program, key frame them (basically moving, sizing, or spinning objects as a clip can be playing in the background), and keylight clips into other clips. This process involves using a green screen to place objects in different background footage, and was used in my commercial, as you will see below. Editing is a pretty lengthy process, therefore I do not have a ton of examples to show to you guys. Which brings me to my next point: besides the process being lengthy, I am also a low-level beginner, and my work might not seem amazing. However, it definitely is a new skill.

Vlog 3
Well that's all I have this week. Next post I will probably be unveiling my final product. Bye.

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