Sunday, March 31, 2013

Final Step Completed (Fifth Post)

Hello guys. As the Genius Project presentation approaches, I am proud to say that I have completed the final step on my checklist, "Finalize Videos with Transitions and Tweaks." This was surprisingly one of the more simple tasks on my list because this step comes after the the "hard" editing. As I have previously said, I used Final Cut X to complete this step and, having prior knowledge in similar programs, this made the step also simpler than the others. helped to show me simple features that I will be using primarily when compiling my clips. This video was extremely helpful as it was clear, concise, and provided a major visual aid. Having prior experience with iMovie, a similar program, helped me to catch onto the basics of this program, such as figuring out when transitions are and are not appropriate. Final Cut X comes with many preloaded features that make my time in the program much more simple than editing in Adobe After Effects (which is more creative-based), per se. was also an awesome resource. This website was a hub for multiple tutorials in which I could pick and choose what I needed to work on. I learned more about the advanced featured within the program, such as color correction, that could be useful in my final product or just in the future. It was reliable, as I checked other sources and tested it out, and was an easy source to navigate as well.

I also would like to spend this blog post discussing my final product, the short film. I have been recording and also spending much time editing it. This is a very time consuming process, and also condenses clips into shorter amounts of time (making my film shorter). It feels as though my hard work might be undermined because of it. Now of course just because it is a shorter film doesn't mean its worse, but I hope that I do a well enough job, in my presentation, explaining a basis of the work professional video editors must undergo to produce the major motion pictures that are often taken for granted. I am working hard on this final product and will most likely post a vlog or preview of it as soon as possible. Anyway guys, see you later. 

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